お使いのOSを以下よりお選びください。 Windows版 · Linux版 · Mac OS X 版 · ポータブル版 · 旧バージョンをダウンロードする. ご注意. 無料版はテクニカルサポートの対象外です。使用方法、不具合等に関する技術的なお問い合わせにはお答えいたしかねます
Xactimateソフトウェアは、1ファイル形式をサポートしています。以下は、これらのファイルタイプに関する詳細情報を含む表です。特定のソフトウェアの開発者の連絡先情報を取得する場合は、ボタンをクリックします。 Xactimate mobile is the first fully realized mobile estimating app. It allows professionals to build an estimate from start to finish from their iOS device, and it works seamlessly with Xactimate’s online and desktop platforms. *Some features, such as generating reports or downloading price lists,… Redirecting to https://www.xactware.com/en-us/solutions/claims-estimating/xactimate/professional/?utm_source=pressrelease&utm_medium=website&mod=article_inline Jul 26, 2019 · Xactimate is a powerful program designed for performing property claims estimations. The program allows you to access the most up-to-date and reliable pricing information, sketch complicated roofs effortlessly from readily-available aerial images, automate and streamline your estimating processes and organize and manage your projects. A getting started guide is available for both Xactimate and Xactimate Professional. For Xactimate mobile, you will first need to download and install the software. An installation guide is available for both the Android and iOS platforms. For Xactimate online, just visit www.xactimate.com and enter your Xactware ID and password. Your Xactware
Secure APIs allow you to integrate your current systems with Xactimate™ One, allowing you to transfer transition your workflow to Xactimate™ One where it makes sense. Learn More Securely Access Anywhere, Anytime You’ve come to the right place for Xactimate estimating services. We’ll help you get your Xactimate estimating written quickly and accurately. For fire and smoke damages. Water and flood damages. Wind and storm damages. And… Any other type of damage that may befall a residental or commercial property. For projects large and small… Insurance Claims Estimating Software for Any Restoration Job. Xactimate, the industry's most powerful and comprehensive solution for property claims estimation, is the number one choice for restoration professionals thanks to its accuracy and flexibility throughout all stages of the repair process. Silverlight means Business. SAP is the world's largest business software company. For their Business ByDesign product, SAP utilized Silverlight's powerful .NET programming model and familiar Visual Studio tools to rapidly develop a visually compelling and easy to use application. Xactimate is the next advancement in estimating, and this time, they’ve really set a new pace for what an estimating program can do. It’s even faster, and more convenient to use, but for those who want the ultimate in estimating technology, Xactimate introduces features not only new to Xactimate, but also new to the entire industry. Proficiency in Xactimate starts with quality training. AdjusterPro's Tactical Xactimate Training combines the ease and affordability of online training with the real-time, hands-on experience of having a live instructor. The result is a proven method for learning Xactimate that maximizes knowledge transfer while respecting your pocket-book.
お使いのOSを以下よりお選びください。 Windows版 · Linux版 · Mac OS X 版 · ポータブル版 · 旧バージョンをダウンロードする. ご注意. 無料版はテクニカルサポートの対象外です。使用方法、不具合等に関する技術的なお問い合わせにはお答えいたしかねます 動画ダウンロードや再生などの従来の機能に加え、写真と動画専用クラウドを操作でき、ショートムービーを自動作成・編集できるようになったメディアプレーヤー。 YouTube、ニコニコ動画、Dailymotion等から簡単に動画をダウンロード・保存できる無料の動画専用ブラウザ。AVI/MPEG/MP4/MP3等への変換、iPod、PSP、Walkman等の機器へ自動登録も可能なフリーソフトです。 Amazon配送商品ならThe 24-hour Tech: Increase Profits, Decrease Training Time and Systemize Your Mitigation Process (Claim Clinic)が通常配送無料。 The system is designed to flow directly into the Xactimate estimating software used by 90% of the insurance claims world. Kindle 無料アプリのダウンロードはこちら。 ダウンロード. 最新版 version 6.3.3. 2020.6.23 リリース. 対応OS Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 macOS 10.13 / 10.14. Windows 32bit Windows 64bit. 主な更新内容. Chromium のマイナーバージョンアップに対応(83.0.4103.106 → 83.0.4103.116). 設定方法. 正しい動画のURLを入力してください. 動画簡単ダウンロード for スマホ. ↓ ダウンロードしたいYouTube動画URLを入力してください ↓. ログイン情報 録画にログインが必要な場合にはログイン情報の入力を行ってください. フリーソフトのほかシェアウェアや有料ソフトの体験版などもダウンロードできる。 「Irvine」「DCさくら」「ImageSlider」「Flickr Fast Downloader」「Downstair」など。
The Xactimate® Training Course is designed for new to intermediate Xactimate® users. The course is taught by our staff Xactimate® Certified Trainers (XCT) following Xactware’s methodology and quality standards. This course is a three-day, instructor-led, classroom training.
Secure APIs allow you to integrate your current systems with Xactimate™ One, allowing you to transfer transition your workflow to Xactimate™ One where it makes sense. Learn More Securely Access Anywhere, Anytime You’ve come to the right place for Xactimate estimating services. We’ll help you get your Xactimate estimating written quickly and accurately. For fire and smoke damages. Water and flood damages. Wind and storm damages. And… Any other type of damage that may befall a residental or commercial property. For projects large and small… Insurance Claims Estimating Software for Any Restoration Job. Xactimate, the industry's most powerful and comprehensive solution for property claims estimation, is the number one choice for restoration professionals thanks to its accuracy and flexibility throughout all stages of the repair process. Silverlight means Business. SAP is the world's largest business software company. For their Business ByDesign product, SAP utilized Silverlight's powerful .NET programming model and familiar Visual Studio tools to rapidly develop a visually compelling and easy to use application. Xactimate is the next advancement in estimating, and this time, they’ve really set a new pace for what an estimating program can do. It’s even faster, and more convenient to use, but for those who want the ultimate in estimating technology, Xactimate introduces features not only new to Xactimate, but also new to the entire industry. Proficiency in Xactimate starts with quality training. AdjusterPro's Tactical Xactimate Training combines the ease and affordability of online training with the real-time, hands-on experience of having a live instructor. The result is a proven method for learning Xactimate that maximizes knowledge transfer while respecting your pocket-book. Apr 15, 2020 · Xactimate Xpert Tip: View an Estimate by Trade with the Summary Report - Duration: 2:13. Xactware 179 views. 2:13. Show Deck Railing in Sketch - Duration: 2:13. XM8 Mastery 452 views.